Many people have the luxury of choosing what to eat every day, yet few realize how much impact those choices have on their own health, not to mention the health of the world. The NEW Health Club is the place to find both a basic overview and an encyclopedia of supporting resources on why and how all kinds of people from all over the world are choosing to EAT their way to health with plant-based foods.
Hi! We’re Julie and Philip – just two of millions people who intentionally don’t eat animals (or their by-products). Philip did it for his health. Julie did it for the environment. It was easy for Philip and hard for Julie. In short, like most people who embark on this journey, we came at it for our own reasons, in our own time, and in our own way.
We started our vegan journey the way most people do. But while Philip lost weight and lowered his cholesterol without medication, Julie gained weight and developed chronic fatigue. Doctors didn't know what was wrong and all her tests came back normal, so we rolled up our sleeves and learned plant-based nutrition.
We are honored to create this virtual gathering of experts and organizations whose messages are all same: EAT PLANTS. Whether their focus is on eating for personal health, for countless others whose lives are impacted by our food choices or for the benefit of future generations, every expert on this site has been vetted for plant-purity.
T. Colin Campbell, PhD is widely recognized as one of the most influential contributors to the whole food plant-based movement. A PhD with over forty years experience in clinical nutrition, Dr. Campbell is probably best known for The China Study, a book he co-authored with Thomas Campbell, MD on the correlation between diet and disease. Dr. Campbell also spent years serving on government advisory boards and has unique insight into the political conflicts that lead to consumer confusion.
Neal Barnard, MD founded the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) in 1985 to educate the medical community, the US Government and the general public on the benefits of an animal-free approach to nutrition and medical research. PCRM has trained thousands of healthcare professionals and created dozens of programs for individuals and professionals to learn how and why to shift to a plant-based diet. Dr. Barnard is a respected clinical scientist and author.
Pam Popper, PhD founded the Wellness Forum to educate and train others to take a nutrition-based approach to health. With daily classes online and in her Ohio facility, Dr. Popper and her staff help professionals and individuals earn professional certification in the field of plant-based nutrition and lifestyle coaching. Her book, Food Over Medicine and video series pit traditional medical interventions against proven holistic approaches to health and wellness.
John McDougall, MD is affectionately known as the father of the Starchivores. He developed the McDougall Program in 1980 after treating multiple generations of patients where the grandparents were in better health than their children and grandchildren. In addition to numerous books and his free online program, Dr. McDougall offers accredited training and works with a team of professionals to provide a variety of medically supervised retreats at his Santa Rosa facility.
Joel Fuhrman, MD is a PBS regular who developed the Nutritarian approach to eating. He is the author of many books including the best seller, Eat to Live. Nutritarians focus on nutrient-dense foods, eating high levels of fruits, vegetables, whole legumes and grains in both raw and cooked forms. Dr. Fuhrman offers a wide range of support, including forum memberships. He also trains individuals to become professional plant-based nutrition and lifestyle coaches.
Chef AJ has been making people laugh since she was a regular on the Johnny Carson show decades ago. She created a video series, The Chef and The Dietitian as well as events like Healthy Taste of LA, where popular chefs from all over Los Angeles get together to share their favorite plant-based foods to a backdrop of internationally recognized speakers. AJ is author of the book UnProcessed, a popular blog and is currently developing a cooking show for whole plant-based foodies.
Micaela Karlsen holds a MSPH in Human Nutrition, a BA in Psychology and is working on a PhD in Nutritional Epidemiology. She served as Executive Director at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Studies. Micaela's frustration with misinformation marketed from industry-funded research led her to start PlantBasedRearch.org, a research directory and educational tool that teaches professionals and lay people to analyze published research for scientific integrity.
Chef Del Sroufe is the author of several whole food plant-based cookbooks including Better Than Vegan, The China Study Cookbook and Forks Over Knives Cookbook. After losing over 200 pounds and ending a lifetime of yoyo dieting by shifting to a low-fat, whole food plant-based lifestyle, Del harnessed a passion for food and over twenty years of vegan cooking experience into Wellness Forum Foods, a cooking school and food delivery service based in Columbus, Ohio.
Michael Klaper, MD has been a practicing physician for over 40 years. He is an internationally recognized teacher and sought-after speaker on diet and health. Dr. Klaper combines his deep respect for plant-based nutrition and integrative medicine with his dedication to the healing and flourishing of all living beings to fuel his contributions to dozens of educational organizations, medical facilities and nutrition conferences worldwide.
Sharon Palmer, RDN, the Plant-Powered Dietitian, author of The Plant-Powered Diet and Plant-Powered for Life, speaks across the country about plant-based nutrition. She writes for her blog, the Plant-Powered Blog, contributes to numerous magazines, and serves as editor of Environmental Nutrition and nutrition editor of Today's Dietitian. Sharon has been practicing and writing about plant-based nutrition for over a decade.
Michael Greger, MD is a master at turning dry nutritional science into entertaining vlog posts that any lay person can understand. Dr. Greger's non-profit, NutritionFacts.org, offers a vast library of up-to-date research on the relationship between food and health. He is an internationally recognized speaker on food and health. Dr. Greger also serves as the Executive Director of the Humane Society of the United States.
Linda Carney, MD teaches people about lifestyle intervention to prevent chronic illnesses through her Texas medical practice, her website, blog, seminars and retreats. Dr. Carney also lectures on a variety of subjects, including the role of food processing in food addictions at popular wellness events. She most recently launched StarchSmart.com, a social media website that gamifies the process of learning about the plant-based lifestyle.
Jeff Novick, MS, RD, LD, LN likes to joke that all his degrees can't help him understand the nutritional lingo invented by the industrial food industry. He shares his antics in lectures and videos that highlight the problems with today's food, keeping his fans up to date on how to make informed decisions. Jeff lectures all over the country and serves as a nutrition consultant to many of the most respected plant-based organizations.
Lindsay Nixon is a self-taught cook and entrepreneur who knows how to make healthy quick and easy. She developed the popular food blog, Happy Herbivore, has written numerous cookbooks and enjoys a loyal following whose success stories she regularly shares on social media. Lindsay also runs Get Meal Plans, which provides busy people with a week's worth of recipes and shopping list complete with counted calories.
David Robinson Simon, JD is a lawyer and advocate for sustainable consumption. He works as general counsel for a healthcare company and serves on the board of the APRL Fund, a non-profit dedicated to protecting animals. He is the author of Meatonomics, the first book to explore the unseen economic forces that drive our food system, and runs a website and blog that examines the past, present and future of food.
Baxter Montgomery, MD is a Houston cardiologist who likes to keep his patients off the operating table. Dr. Montgomery founded Montgomery Heart and Wellness to teach people how to avoid heart disease with diet. His nutritional boot camp, private and small group wellness programs, symposiums and food preparation classes help people develop new ways of cooking and thinking about food and nutrition.
Dustin Rudolf, PharmD has an inside track to the workings of the pharmaceutical industry and a deep understanding of plant-based nutrition. Author of The Empty Medicine Cabinet, he has spent the last ten years working as a clinical pharmacist, seeing countless cases of preventable illness continue to get worse as more and more medicines were prescribed. Dustin also runs and educational website called Pursue a Healthy You.
Brenda Davis, MS RD is a leader in her field and an internationally acclaimed speaker. She has worked as a public health nutritionist, clinical nutrition specialist, nutrition consultant and academic nutrition instructor. She is a past chair of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, was elected to the Vegetarian Hall of Fame and has co-authored seven books including Becoming Vegan, Dairy-Free & Delicious, and Becoming Raw.
Alicia Silverstone is an American actress who shares her journey to veganism along with practical information on health and nutrition in her book, The Kind Diet. Alicia's blog, The Kind Life is an extension of her book. Helping people live their healthiest, happiest life to the fullest while taking care of mamma earth at the same time, she shares recipes, favorite foods, beauty tips, party planning, thoughts on parenting and more.
John Robbins is best known for walking away from the Baskin Robbins ice cream empire to become an advocate for compassionate, sustainable living. He has written numerous bestselling books, including Diet for a New America and The Food Revolution. John is an eloquent speaker, internationally recognized for his work toward a sane, ethical and sustainable future helping others make more informed food choices.
Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT is the author of the best-selling book, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition. Known as the Plant-Based Dietitian, Julieanna writes, speaks and teaches nutrition both on and offline. A frequent talk show guest, she hosts and co-hosts a series of projects, including The Chef and The Dietitian, the documentary To Your Health and a new talk show on Veria Living called What Would Julieanna Do.
Brendan Brazier is a Canadian endurance athlete and Ironman triathlete who speaks internationally on the personal, social and environmental benefits of the plant-based diet. He also gives lectures for Cornell University on how its nutritional benefits can increase athletic performance. Brendan is the author of the Thrive series on nutrition performance, cookbooks and creator of the Vega line of protein shakes.
Thomas Campbell, MD co-authored The China Study, The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health. He serves as Executive Director of the T. Colin Campbell Center of Nutrition Studies, which provides continuing education for medical professionals and plant-based certification in partnership with eCornell. Dr. Campbell is also a family physician in Rochester, NY.
Cathy Fisher is a self-taught chef who used the whole food plant-based diet to resolve her health conditions and now teaches others how to break unhealthy food addictions with delicious wholesome meals. In addition to serving as a culinary instructor at TrueNorth Health and the McDougall Program, Cathy develops and photographs recipes that are free of salt, oil and sugar for her popular blog, Straight Up Food.
Milton Mills, MD is a specialist on racial and ethnic bias in the US Dietary Guidelines. He serves as the Associate Director of Preventative Medicine at Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and Board Advisor at A Well Fed World. Dr. Mills is also a practicing internist at Fairfax Hospital in Virginia and free clinics in Washington, DC. He lectures internationally on the benefits of the whole food plant-based diet.
Joanne Irwin, aka The Plant-Based Nana had a typical story. Following mainstream nutrition rules, she was suffering the signs of aging. With high cholesterol and arthritis, she refused to take drugs and accept her "fate". Instead, she turned it into an opportunity to relearn nutrition and cooking. Joanne reversed her conditions and became a certified Food For Life coach who teaches prevention with hands-on cooking classes and her blog.
Caldwell Esselstyn, MD spent years performing surgeries at the Cleveland Clinic. As there was already a body of research suggesting that a fatty diet was the cause of heart disease, Dr. Esselstyn recruited 24 patients who were given a year to live to go on a low-fat plant-based diet. Of the 17 that adhered to the diet, all were alive and thriving over twenty years later. His book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease chronicles his approach.
Jack Norris, RD is the Executive Director of Vegan Outreach, author of several books including Vegan For Life: Everything You Need to Know to be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet. Jack is an animal activist who writes about issues of nutritional interest to vegans. He blogs at JackNorrisRD and maintains VeganHealth.org, both of which house an encyclopedia of articles of nutritional interest with the latter translated into several languages.
Tess Challis is an author, wellness coach, and plant-based chef. Her passion for healthy weight loss began in the 1990's when she found that, despite being on a plant-based diet, she was obese. After losing weight and gaining her health back, Tess co-founded Get Waisted with Dr. Mary Wendt to help others enjoy their optimal weight with the support of a nationwide community that has no need to measure food.
Rip Esselstyn is a former firefighter and triathlete who found himself responding to more heart attacks than fires. Knowing first hand the power of whole plant-based foods to heal, Rip became an author,developed the Engine 2 Diet, built an informative website, created an online support group and a line of healthy food products in partnership with Whole Foods Market all under the name of Engine 2.
Carl Myers, MD, MBA has served numerous roles in the medical and insurance industries including Medical Oncologist and Chief Medical Officer for a variety of organizations nationwide. His experience with the healing power of the whole food plant-based diet led him to open a restaurant chain called Nature's Express. Dr. Myers is currently working to help bring dietary prevention to the healthcare industry.
Dawn Moncrief, MA has been a social justice advocate for more than 20 years. Her expertise in economic development, international relations and women's studies showed that high levels of meat consumption increase global hunger, especially for women and children. Dawn founded A Well Fed World, a non-profit that partners with local organizations to provide hungry people with sustainable and humane food solutions.
Kip Anderson is a passionate environmentalist who was shocked by United Nations reports that animal agriculture causes more environmental destruction than any other activity on earth. His quest to discover the truth and understand why the largest environmental NGOs all seem to avoid the subject led him to co-create the documentary, Cowspiracy: The Film That Environmental Organizations Don't Want You to See.
Miyoko Schinner has been in love with cooking her entire life. A vegan since age 12, Miyoko has been involved in a wide range of food-related businesses and adopted culinary styles from all over the world. She shares her passion for cooking in her books, Vegan Mashup television show and lectures. Miyoko's latest venture is a collection of artisan vegan cheeses that are receiving critical acclaim from vegans and non-vegans alike.
Will Anderson, BSc has had a long career in campaign and project management in both the environmental and animal rights nonprofit sector. He has conducted numerous campaigns spanning a wide variety of subject matter and continues to focus his interests on the larger questions of veganism and human ecology. Will serves a Executive Director of Green Vegans and is the author of This Is Hope: Green Vegans and the New Human Ecology.
Heather Crosby is author of YUM Universe: Infinite Possibilities for a Gluten-Free, Plant-Powerful Whole Food Lifestyle. After curing herself of a range of health issues, Heather became certified in plant-based nutrition. Together with T. Colin Campbell, she developed YUM Universe, a website where people can find meal plans, kitchen tips, cooking insights, a wide range of ebooks and daily inspiration.
Barry North, MPH, PhD has taken his experience in public health, chemistry, toxicology and medical research to become and advocate for plant-based nutrition. After seeing his own health improve upon adopting the lifestyle, he became certified to help others reach their optimal health through his website, 123 For Wellness, weight loss coaching, Wellness 101 classes and a wide range of personalized services.
Dreena Burton has been vegan for almost 20 years, in that time writing four bestselling cookbooks including her most recent book, Let Them Eat Vegan, which is entirely gluten-free and charts her journey as a plant-powered cook and at-home mother of three. Always passionate about creating nutritious recipes, she is an advocate of using the "vegan basics" to create healthy, delicious food for the whole family.
Scott Jurek is an ultramarathoner who is considered one of the top runners of all time. After years of being considered an international superstar, he became vegan in 1999, and went on to accomplish the longest string of long-distance running victories on record. Scott credits his vegan diet with his athletic success. He speaks, writes and coaches others on achieving optimal athletic performance with plant-based nutrition.
Chad Sarno brought his unique culinary style to a vast array of projects before joining Rouxbe Cooking School as VP of Plant-Based Education, where he teaches others to be masters of their kitchen. Chad has opened restaurants around the globe, co-authored numerous cookbooks and enjoys being a regularly featured guest on television and radio shows looking to tap into his mastery of healthy, delicious plant-based cooking.
Tess Masters, aka the Blender Girl, is an Australian born author and actor whose personal experience with diet and health led her on a journey that she shares through her website and popular social media channels. Tess celebrates her Vitamix as a tool for more than making smoothies in her book, The Blender Girl: Super-Easy, Super-Healthy Meals, Snacks, Desserts, and Drinks -- 100 Gluten-Free, Vegan Recipes!
Alan Goldhamer, DC is Co-Founder and Director of TrueNorth Health, a water fasting clinic in Santa Rosa, CA that provides medically supervised detoxification for people of all stages of health. Dr. Goldhamer and his staff have treated over ten thousand patients, helping them break the grasp of food addictions and end their dependence on pharmaceuticals by understanding the health promoting power of whole plant-based foods.
Debbie Walton, RN has seen the consequences that the Standard American Diet has on individuals and the healthcare system through years of working as a registered nurse. An experienced chef, she is certified in plant-based nutrition and a master of working with raw and probiotic foods. Debbie shares her recipes and offers a wide range of services through her food blog, TheHealthSeekersKitchen and cooking classes.
Doug Lisle, PhD is a renowned psychologist who lectures nationally to health professionals on topics ranging from cognitive therapy to weight loss. Considered an authority on the addictive nature of salt, oil and sugar, he advocates for the whole food plant-based diet on the road, in numerous scientific articles, and in his best-selling book, The Pleasure Trap, which he co-authored to help others break the cycle of food addiction.
Tracy Childs has been a practicing vegetarian since the 1970's and a vegan since 1991. After working in the healthy eating arena for years, she became certified as a plant-based food coach and accepted a position as head instructor for Veg-Appeal, a San Diego based organization that teaches people how food can be used to combat illness. Tracy regularly lectures and writes about the healing powers of whole plant-based foods.
Janardhan Srinivasan, MD FACC is an interventional cardiologist and internal medicine physician in South Boston, Virginia. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Echocardiography, Nuclear Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology. Dr. Srinivasan is also a public speaker and outspoken advocate of incorporating the whole food plant-based diet into preventative care.
Kathy Pollard, MS is an expert in applied clinical nutrition, public speaker and teacher who works with several renowned programs to help individuals and medical professionals gain a deeper understanding of the science behind plant-based nutrition. Kathy recently helped develop and maintains a website called ThePlantBasedLife, which offers practical information, tools and advice to help people get started.
Brian Wendel is the producer of the award-winning documentary Forks Over Knives, a film that has empowered millions of people to take charge of their health by shifting to a whole food plant-based lifestyle. An increasingly popular prescription used by conscientious doctors, the movie has led to an informative website, cookbooks and a food app that continues to save lives all over the world.
Gene Bauer has been hailed as "the conscience of the food movement" by Time magazine. For 25 years, he has campaigned to raise awareness about the abuses of industrialized factory farming and our cheap food system. Gene is Founder and Executive Director of Farm Sanctuary, which rescues and provides refuge, to farm animals each year while enabling visitors to connect with them as emotional, intelligent individuals.
Jill Nussinow earned the title of the Veggie Queen after twenty years of teaching plant-based cooking as a college instructor, public speaker, author and consultant. She is best known for her expertise in pressure cooking, which she shares in her book The New Fast Food: The Veggie Queen Pressure Cooks Whole Food Meals in Less than 30 Minutes, which includes 150 recipes, most of which are also gluten-free.
Angela Liddon is a popular food blogger who, like many others, overcame an eating disorder by shifting to a whole food plant-based lifestyle. Her best-selling book, The Oh She Glows Cookbook: Over 100 Vegan Recipes to Glow from the Inside Out became an overnight sensation with delicious, gorgeous recipes shared by someone who knows what it means to learn the kitchen ropes from the ground up.
Matt Frasier is the No Meat Athlete, a runner and author who shares his passion for the sport and the plant-based lifestyle through his free online training program for beginners and athletes alike. Matt's books and free online program have spawned local running groups all over the world who appreciate his support, practical advice and no-pressure approach to sharing the benefits of the whole food plant-based lifestyle.
Kathy Freston is a New York Times best-selling author who promotes a body/mind/spirit approach to health and happiness that features a whole food plant-based diet. Kathy frequently writes for a wide range of publications and is the author of the popular weight loss book, The Lean. In addition to writing for many popular publications, she is a regular television guest on Oprah, Dr. Oz, Ellen, Good Morning America, and many others.
Lani Muelrath is widely recognized for her ability to use forty years experience with plant-based living to help people navigate the most common obstacles to healthy eating. Her recent book, The Plant-Based Journey, draws upon her experience as a teacher, personal coach and expert in behavior change to guide people down a path they can successfully follow. Lani's contagious enthusiasm is also accessible through LaniMeulrath.com.
Garth Davis, MD is a board certified surgeon specializing in laparascopic procedures. A Fellow of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Dr. Davis not only educates all of his patients on the benefits of the whole food plant-based diet, he added a "Farmacy" that dispenses fresh fruits and vegetables to his offerings at the Davis Clinic, which he founded to provide state-of-the-art treatments for obesity.
Katie Higgins is an author and social media icon who overcame a life-threatening eating disorder with whole plant-based foods. Now she celebrates her sweet tooth on her blog, Chocolate Covered Katie, which is loaded with recipes of all-time favorite American treats that she reinvents to the healthiest extent possible. Katie believes that chocolate plays a role in her happiness and that health and happiness go hand-in-hand.
Howard Lyman is an environmental and animal rights activist with first-hand knowledge of the animal agriculture industry. Author of The Mad Cowboy and No More Bull, he was one of the largest cattle producers in Montana before he nearly lost his farm and his life to the unsustainable practices of modern agriculture. A gifted public speaker and outspoken activist, Howard follows and endorses a 100% plant-based lifestyle.
Susan Benigas, BS is a communications expert who serves as Executive Director of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and Founder of The Plantrician Project, a non-profit that offers continuing education credits to medical professionals. The Plantrician Project helps promote the whole food plant-based lifestyle to doctors who want to learn more about approaches to disease prevention and reversal.
Jeff Nelson founded VegSource after his wife Sabrina reversed a rare autoimmune condition by switching to a plant-based diet. VegSource produces and provides excellent resources including entertaining and informative videos from some of the most respected leaders in the plant-based movement. Jeff also started the Healthy Lifestyle Expo, which has been connecting the public with plant-based healers for over a decade.
Wendy Solganic started her food blog, Healthy Girl's Kitchen, to share not just her healthy recipes but also her own story about her battle with food addictions. Wendy's recipes are all based on whole plant-based foods, which she credits not just with a transformation in her personal physical health but also with helping her overcome compulsive eating and build a healthy relationship with food for the first time in her life.
Margarita Restrepo founded NAKED Food Magazine to introduce people to the healing powers of the whole food plant-based diet, which she coined the New Authentic Kind and Enlightened Diet (NAKED). Her personal journey of battling illness with food led to Margarita's determination to use her creative talents to share the message in a gorgeous glossy magazine that's available online and in print.
Nathan Runkle is Founder and President of Mercy for Animals (MFA), which works to prevent cruelty to farm animals and promote compassionate policies and food choices through resources like ChooseVeg.com. Nathan speaks internationally, has been featured in hundreds of interviews, and works closely with contingents ranging from farmers to politicians to corporate executives to raise awareness about animal agriculture.
Mary McDougall runs the McDougall Program with her husband, Dr. John McDougall, in Santa Rosa, CA. In addition to her formal training as a nurse, Mary provides many of the recipes that make the program such a success. She has co-authored numerous books and cookbooks, including The Starch Solution and The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook: Over 300 Delicious Lowfat Recipes You Can Cook in Fifteen Minutes or Less.
Matthew Kenney is a celebrity chef, author, educator and entrepreneur whose award-winning plant-based cuisine brought him international stardom. Founder of Matthew Kenney Cooking School and host of Entertaining in the Raw, Matthew has written numerous cookbooks and opened dozens of restaurants worldwide. His educational tools and services range from online cooking courses to detox apps.
Henning Steinfeld, MS, PhD is Chief of Livestock Sector Information, Analysis and Policy at the Food and Agricultural Organization in Rome. Trained as an agricultural economist, he started his career with field work but then moved to FAO to work on livestock policy issues. Dr. Steinfeld co-authored Livestock's Long Shadow, a shocking analysis of the impact of the livestock sector on global health.
Shelly Kays Detken began her journey into plant-based nutrition like many people do. Suffering from a variety of health conditions and side effects from pharmaceutical prescriptions, Shelly decided to take matters into her own hands and ultimately reversed her conditions with a whole plant-based diet. After receiving certification in plant-based nutrition, Shelly founded Plantiful Wellness to help others eat their way to health .
Ocean Robbins is an inspirational speaker, author and activist who has been internationally recognized for his contributions to a sustainable future by numerous international organizations. Founder and CEO of the Food Revolution Network, Ocean works with leaders in the food movement to expose the truth about the industrial food system and provide individuals with concrete solutions to taking charge of their health.
Kris Carr has inspired millions with her story of hope, which began when she was diagnosed with a rare form of incurable stage IV cancer at the age of 31. In the ten years since her diagnosis, Kris has become a public icon, determined to share what she has learned. Best known for her Crazy Sexy books, documentary and blog, Kris speaks publicly on the life-changing impact that diet can have on personal health.
Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH is a public speaker, associate physician in internal medicine at Brigham and Womens Hospital and a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School. Founder and Director of Natural Healing Pathways, Dr. Chandler helps people adopt lifestyle habits that enhance wellness, including the whole food plant-based diet, exercise, stress management and other tools that enable a proactive approach to health.
Richard Oppenlander, PhD is an author, consultant and public speaker who has been studying the impact of diet on global depletion since the 1970's and advocates for a fully plant-based economy. Best known for his book Comfortably Unaware, he shows how climate change, land and fresh water losses, the devastation of our oceans, mass extinctions, loss of biodiversity and world hunger are all tied to food choices.
Robert Cheeke is an American bodybuilder, motivational speaker and author. An activist who tours the United States, Robert was a scrawny kid twenty years ago who decided to become a bodybuilder to prove that he could thrive on a vegan diet. Robert also runs Vegan Bodybuilding, which showcases the vegan bodybuilding community to teach people that health and fitness is best achieved through a compassionate lifestyle.
Ruth Heidrich, PhD is an 80 year old endurance athlete who credits the whole food plant-based diet with reversing the breast cancer that had spread to her lung over thirty years ago. Dr. Heidrich shares her inspiring journey of refusing conventional therapy, shifting her diet and becoming a poster child for the whole food plant-based movement by becoming a triathlete in her late forties in her books, website and social media channels.
Drawn from carefully vetted resources, hundreds of which are accessible through the resources tab, these three steps answer the questions of what, how and why millions of people are backing off the animal products.
RESOURCE RATINGS Throughout the site you'll find red, yellow and green versions of our logo, based on the food rating system in STEP 1. These icons may be used to rate foods based on whether we should avoid (RED-RATED), limit (YELLOW-RATED) or enjoy them (GREEN-RATED). OR the icons may be used to rate other types of resources. We did this because although every website and expert we recommend is GREEN-RATED, we've also included some resources that are not. For instance, you’ll find some excellent articles and videos from mainstream media outlets whose day-to-day messaging may or may not be based on trustworthy science. In such cases, you’ll see a tri-color rating that looks like our logo.
WORD CLOUDS Many of the resource pages have word clouds to help users quickly locate pages of interest.
Finally, You’ll notice opportunities throughout the site to share this information on social media, offer us your feedback and suggest your own resources. We are grateful for all forms of participation and look forward to hearing your thoughts. Namaste.
Mass Extinction
Heart Disease
Global Warming
Food Security
Financial Security
Eating Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Autoimmune Diseases
Antibiotic Resistance
CAUTION: The NEW Health Club promotes a lifestyle that naturally reverses numerous health conditions. If you are currently taking medications, make sure to talk to your doc before making major changes to your diet.
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The NEW Food Guide and NuCal are trademarks of The NEW Health Club.