Building our diets around GREEN-RATED foods can help prevent and in some cases reverse certain forms of cancer, including cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, rectum and stomach. The phytonutrients in these foods, particularly fresh, raw fruits and vegetables help our bodies fight free radicals and fortify healthy cells. Even when conventionally grown, these foods are also less likely to contain environmental toxins, which pose their own cancer risks. The human body has a remarkable ability to fight disease, including cancer. One of the best ways to reduce cancer risk and fight all forms of cancer is to stop consuming RED-RATED foods..
The Cancer Survivor's Guide by Neal Barnard, MD
Learn how diet can protect you against cancer recurrence. (includes recipes).
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Stop Cancer with Phytotherapy by Benjamin Lau, MD, PhD and Esther Lau, MS, RD
Learn to use food as a first defense against cancer (includes recipes).
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The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas Campbell, MD
Find out how decades of research revealed a disturbing diet/cancer connection.
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Stop Feeding Your Cancer: One Doctor's Journey by John Kelly, MD
Read remarkable stories from a doctor who prescribed plants to beat cancer.
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Radical Remission by Kelly Turner, PhD
Discover common lifestyle and GREEN-RATED dietary themes for cancer survivors.
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Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Get great cancer resources and learn about the precautionary principle.
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Nutrition Facts
Read about the diet/cancer connection and tap into a wealth of data and videos.
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World Health Organization
Discover why some meats are now known to be carcinogenic this press release.
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The World Cancer Research Foundation
Check out these GREEN-RATED dietary and lifestyle recommendations.
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American Institute for Cancer Research
Discover that all cancer-fighting foods are GREEN-RATED.
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World Cancer Research Fund
See why this global organization recommends a GREEN-RATED diet.
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American Cancer Society
See that diet is one of the most important lifestyle recommendations.
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Learn about the link between diet and cancer from The Lean author Kathy Freston.
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Read about a study linking animal protein to increased cancer risk.
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Nutrition Facts
Find out how the AICR dietary recommendations impact breast and other cancers.
click to access this 5 min. video in a new tab
See how Dr. Neal Barnard explains the connection between food and most cancers.
click to access this 20 min. video in a new tab
Mass Extinction
Heart Disease
Global Warming
Food Security
Financial Security
Eating Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Autoimmune Diseases
Antibiotic Resistance
CAUTION: The NEW Health Club promotes a lifestyle that naturally reverses numerous health conditions. If you are currently taking medications, make sure to talk to your doc before making major changes to your diet.
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The NEW Food Guide and NuCal are trademarks of The NEW Health Club.