Building our diets around GREEN-RATED foods is the most effective way to reduce deforestation around the globe. Forests provide wildlife habitat, help prevent erosion, stabilize climate, offer carbon sinks, and keep soil fertile. Cattle ranching is responsible for approximately 90% of deforestation in the Amazon Rain Forest. Farmed seafood is destroying environmentally critical mangrove forests. Palm oil, a favored ingredient in industrial junk food is decimating Asian forests. The best way to save our forests is to stop consuming RED-RATED foods, especially beef and industrial processed foods, and share this information with others.
Slaughtering the Amazon
See how the cattle industry impacts deforestation in the Amazon.
click to access this Greenpeace report in a new tab
Causes of Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon
Understand the global economic losses caused by cattle ranching in rainforests.
click to access this World Bank report in a new tab
The Ultimate Mystery Meat
Get the report on fast food meat production - the bad and the worse.
click to access this Mighty Earth report in a new tab
Cattle ranching and deforestation
Learn about the livestock/deforestation problem.
click to access this FAO article in a new tab
Industrial animal agriculture and deforestation…
Understand how human land animal consumption is impacting our forests.
click to access this Outreach article in a new tab
In palm oil, Liberia sees economic boom — but forests may lose
Find out how our junk food consumption is impacting Liberian forests.
click to access this Conservation International article in a new tab
Get the facts on how cattle are destroying Brazilian forests.
click to access this Mongabay article in a new tab
80% of Amazon Deforestation Stems from Cattle Ranching
Learn what makes cattle ranching such a major driver in Amazon deforestation.
click to access this Planetsave article in a new tab
Agribusiness & Deforestation
Find out how beef and junk food are both destroy rainforests.
click to access this Greenpeace article in a new tab
Deforestation: The Hidden Cause of Global Warming
Learn why deforestation is becoming a global disaster.
click to access this Common Dreams article in a new tab
Beef drives 80% of Amazon deforestation
See how cattle and their feed are driving the destruction.
click to access this link in a new tab
Junk Food Demand Fuels Massive Deforestation... S.E. Asia, S. America
Learn why junk food ingredients are destroying Asian forests.
click to access this Earth Observatory article in a new tab
Burger King animal feed sourced from deforested land in Bolivia, Brazil
Find out why Burger King is even worse than other fast food peddlers.
click to access this article from The Guardian in a new tab
Mangroves under threat from shrimp farms: U.N.
See why Reuters is reporting on Mangrove forest destruction.
click to access this link in a new tab
Ebr KH, Lauk C, Kastner T, Mayer A, et al.
Exploring biophysical space... for feeding the world without deforestation
Nature. 2016
Veiga JB, Tourrand JF, Poccard-Chapuis R, Piketty MG
Cattle Ranching in the Amazon Rainforest
World Forestry Congress. 2003
Naylor R, Steinfeld H, Falcon W, Galloway J, et al.
Globalized Factory Farms a Major Threat to Public Health & Environment
Science. 2005
Vijay V, Pimm SL, Jenkins CN, Smith SJ.
The Impacts of Oil Palm on Recent Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss
Public Library of Science. 2016
The Deforestation of the Amazon (A Time Lapse)
Watch NASA's disturbing time lapse of Amazon rainforest deforestation.
click to access this Daily Conversation video on YouTube 1 MINUTE
Amazon Deforestation: Timelapse
Get an explanation of what happened above.
click to access this Earth Outreach video on YouTube 3 MINUTES
Oil Palm Plantations in Liberia
See what our junk food habit is doing to Liberian forests.
click to access this Conservation International video on YouTube 1 MINUTE
fish farms and mangrove forests
Take a look at the devastation these industries create.
click to access this Mangrove Action Project video in a new tab 3 MINUTES
Mass Extinction
Heart Disease
Global Warming
Food Security
Financial Security
Eating Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Autoimmune Diseases
Antibiotic Resistance
CAUTION: The NEW Health Club promotes a lifestyle that naturally reverses numerous health conditions. If you are currently taking medications, make sure to talk to your doc before making major changes to your diet.
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